PhD seminars – November, 7th, 2022

PhD seminar – 7th, November 2022

Bernard-Tamba Sandouno – Inria DIANE team

Title: Accurate Mobile signal Power estimation

Abstract: Ray Tracing is a propagation modelling approach that accurately estimates the signal power received by end users while taking into account the details of the environment in their vicinity. This accuracy is at the cost of high computational load and high memory consumption due to the heavy computation performed by processes such as Ray Generation. In this presentation, we will introduce a site-specific ray generation technique that is able to generate up to 1 million rays within 5 seconds and a root mean square error for bandwidth estimation within 2 Mbps.

Bernard Samba Sandouno

Depending on the location of the antenna and the coverage area, our technique gives the minimum possible number of rays required in order to estimate end-users’ signal power received and their download bitrate.








Marielle Péré – Inria Biocore team

Flash presentation:  Modeling heterogeneous cancer drug responses in isogenic single-cells to predict drug-tolerant persisters


PhD seminars organizing team

Flash presentation:  PhD seminars: a new formula!


About Marielle PERE

I'm a PhD student in applied Mathematics since 2019 under the supervision of Madalena Chaves from Inria and Jérémie Roux from IRCAN. Together, we model a form of programmed cell death (apoptosis) triggered by anti-cancer drugs with deterministic systems, to understand fractional killing, a form of cellular persistance, and the associated cell sensitivity states, at the origin of many therapeutic failures in the fight against cancer.

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