Perception, Cognition and Interaction: Part III

Perception, Cognition and Interaction: Part III

April 16, 2018

Talk 1

Mauricio Alejandro Cano (University of Groningen - Visiting Inria and I3S - INDES team)

Multiparty Reactive Sessions

This talk concerns formal models for the analysis of communication-centric software systems with declarative and reactive behaviors. We focus on session-based concurrency, the interaction model induced by session types, which uses (variants of) the pi-calculus as specification languages. While well-established, such process models are not expressive enough to specify declarative and reactive behaviors common in emerging communication-centric software systems. Here we propose the synchronous reactive programming paradigm (SRP) as a uniform foundation for session-based concurrency. We present correct encodings of session-based calculi into ReactiveML, a synchronous reactive programming language.

Talk 2

Thierry Speterbroot (Team DIANA)

ACQUA - Forecasting Quality of Experience


ACQUA (Application for prediCting QUality of Experience at Internet Access) is an Android application that measures your mobile connection performance and estimates how your favourite applications will be affected by your connection. An application in ACQUA is a function, or a model, that links the network-level and device-level measurements to the expected quality of experience (QoE). Supervised machine learning techniques are used to establish such link between network measurements and estimations of the Quality of Experience. Moreover a lightweight measurement plane allows us to perform measurement continously. With this approach we can provide insights over time on network performance as well as user-friendly QoE values that summarise the state of the network.



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