Digital Health, Biology and Earth: Part V

Digital Health, Biology and Earth: Part V

May 15, 2017


Dora Karvouniari - BIOVISION

Talk 1


Spike-Timing-Dependent-Plasticity (STDP) models or how to understand memory.

Pascal Helson - Mathneuro

Synaptic plasticity refers to a change of neuron's morphology, sensitivity and reactivity. Such a plastic behaviour is thought to be at the basis of memory formation which makes it particularly interesting. Nowadays, popular plasticity models are based on Spike-Timing-Dependent-Plasticity (STDP) rules in which spikes timings are central. After explaining the biological context, I will present different STDP models and present some of our current work on the topic.

Talk 2

Python: A crash course on scripting, debugging, testing and packaging.

Guillermo Gallardo Diez - Athena

During this brief course we will review some of the good practices in python coding. First, we will review how to write code in compliance with the PEP8 style. Then, I will introduce the ipdb package, which allows to interactively debug python code. After, I will show how to create a python package, making the process of sharing code/scripts easier. Finally, I will present how to write tests and make the testing process automatic. Following these steps will help you to create reliable code in an easy and fast way.

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