MOMI2023 has received funding from the following sponsors:
- Inria via la Mission Jeunes Chercheurs (MJC) – the “Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique”, promotes scientific excellence and technology transfer and has a major impact on our society. It employs 2,400 people. Its 200 agile project teams, usually with academic partners, involve more than 3,000 scientists in tackling the challenges of computing and mathematics, often at the interface of other disciplines. Inria works with many companies and has helped create more than 160 startups. It strives to meet the challenges of the digital transformation of science, society and the economy.
- Agence pour les Mathématiques en Interaction avec l’Entreprise et la Société (AMIES) – AMIES is a national organisation that aims to develop relationships between university mathematics research teams and companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). AMIES has three main objectives:
(i) To encourage and support new collaborations specifically with SMEs; and to increase awareness of the value of mathematics for business.
(ii) Mobilise, motivate and (in)train academic researchers for these collaborations.
(iii) Change the image of mathematical research and increase its awareness, especially among (future) students.
- I3S Laboratoire d’Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis
The I3S laboratory is the largest information and communication science laboratory in the French Riviera. It was one of first ones to settle down on Sophia Antipolis Science and Technology Park. The I3S laboratory consists of a little less than 300 people. Almost 100 professors or associate professors belong to the laboratory. They predominantly come from 3 department of University Nice Sophia Antipolis (UNS): Polytech Nice Sophia (engineering school), Faculty of Sciences and IUT (University Institute of Technology). The laboratory also includes 20 CNRS researcher and 13 INRIA researchers, without forgetting about twenty staffs of the technical and administrative teams. About 90 PhD students, 10 post-doctoral students and 60 trainees from Master’s degree or engineering school complete staff. Affiliated to the INS2I CNRS Institute, the I3S research fields cover many themes of CNU sections 27 “Computer Science” and 61 “Computer Engineering, Automation and Signal Processing” (CNU sections are disciplinary partitioning at national level for (associate) professors).
- Université Côte d’Azur via la direction de la recherche et de l’innovation – Université Côte d’Azur is an experimental university since January 1, 2020, replacing both the Université Nice Sophia Antipolis created in 1965 and the Communauté d’Universités et d’Etablissements Université Côte d’Azur created in 2015. Université Côte d’Azur now brings together 17 major universities around the historic university core to form one of the top 10 research-intensive universities in France.
- Académie d’excellence 3 “Espace, Environnement, risques et résilience” – L’Académie 3 « Espace, Environnement, Risques et Résilience » s’intéresse aux aléas et risques naturels et anthropiques. Il s’agit d’en comprendre les processus en jeu, la diversité, les interconnexions et les impacts sociaux-environnementaux, afin de contribuer à développer des actions assurant le bien-être durable de nos sociétés, de nos environnements et de notre Planète. Ces questions impliquent tout le champ des disciplines scientifiques présentes à l’Université Côte d’Azur.Les projets fédérés et soutenus par l’Académie 3 sont donc par nature pluri-, inter-, ou trans-disciplinaires.
- MSI-Maison de la Modélisation, de la Simulation et des Intéractions – The MSI aims to encourage and provide a structure for transdisciplinary exchanges in research, and to develop links between academic research and local industries in the French SUD Region. This is accomplished in any scientific area domain requiring scientific and technical expertise in modeling, simulation and massive data processing.
- France 2030 – Le plan « France 2030 », doté de 54 milliards d’euros déployés sur 5 ans, vise à développer la compétitivité industrielle et les technologies d’avenir, dont la moitié des financements sont destinés à des acteurs émergents, et la moitié aux actions de décarbonation. Il poursuit 10 objectifs pour mieux comprendre, mieux vivre et mieux produire, à l’horizon 2030.
- Ecole doctorale Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (ED STIC) –
The Ecole Doctorale STIC (the IT Doctoral School), under the aegis of the COMUEs (Universities) UCA and PSL, delivers the PhDs of Nice Sophia Antipolis in the scientific domain of Information Technologies.
Located in the heart of Sophia Antipolis – the bigest technopole in Europe – the IT doctoral school takes support from the local high-level research laboratories (INRIA Méditerranée, CNRS I3S, CNRS LEAT, Mines ParisTech CMA) in strong relationship with local high-tech firms.
- about 250 PhD students,
- about 125 qualified supervisors,
- about 65 PhD degrees and 5 HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches) per year.
In a field where employment is highly favorable, our doctors easily get jobs in France and all over the world.
- DS4H (Digital Systems for Humans) – Digital Systems for Humans (DS4H) is one of the eight thematic university research schools of the Université Côte d’Azur. It focuses on the scientific, technological and human aspects of the digitalisation of society. On the educational side, DS4H offers 5 “core” masters (majors) in Computer Science, Electronics, MIAGE, Digital Law and Digital Strategy-Digital and Innovation Management. It awards doctorates with the STIC, DESPEG and SHAL doctoral schools. On the scientific side, DS4H conducts a multidisciplinary research programme involving 13 laboratories in the fields of digital and social sciences
- Ecole doctorale en Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquées – The Ecole Doctorale de Sciences Fondamentales et Appliquées, ED.SFA (ED 364), is co-accredited by two institutions: the Université de la Côte d’Azur (UCA, structure porteuse) and the Université des Sciences et des Lettres de Paris (PSL). It offers an exceptional environment for studies, research and integration into the international and industrial fabric of Mathematics and its interactions, Physics, Earth and Universe Sciences, Chemistry, Engineering Sciences and Agricultural and Ecological Sciences.