Le Monde des Mathématiques Industrielles (MOMI2017)


We are very pleased to announce the implementation of a two day Workshop on Applied Mathematics, entitled “The World of Insdustrial Mathematics” –  “Le Monde des Mathématiques Industrielles” (MOMI2017), which will be concluding the current chapter: Applied Mathematics, Computation and Simulation.

The goal of MOMI2017 is to allow young researchers, to discover the link between the industrial world and applied mathematics, and familiarize themselves with such approaches. To this end, we have invited two keynote speakers, professors Marc LAVIELLE and Leo LIBERTIwhich will deliver us mini courses on the subject, as well as a number of local industrialists and entrepreneurs that will present us their point of view and the mathematical problems that they deal with.

MOMI2017 is a project supported by Inria and financed by the Société des Mathématiques Appliquées (SMAI) as a BOUge tes Maths (BOUM) project,  by the Agence pour les Mathématiques en Interaction avec l’Entreprise et la Société (AMIES), whithin the context of Investissement d’Avenir (IA) projects – projets “Laboratoires d’excellence”, and by the Université Côte d’Azur whithin the context of the  “Joint, Excellent and Dynamic Initiative” (JEDI) projects. The workshop will be taking place at the Inria Sophia Antipolis-Mediteranée research center.

In hopes of having motivated your interest, we invite you to click here to register in the workshop.

Looking forward to seeing you at MOMI2017!

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