The PhD Seminars of Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée
The PhD Seminars of Inria Center At Université Côte d'Azur are organized and held by the PhD candidates of the STIC and SFA Doctoral Schools.
Their aim is to allow the participants to share their knowledge, and to promote collaborations, all in a friendly and interactive way. They are mainly addressed to and conducted by PhD students; however, postdocs, engineers and interns are more than welcome to participate to the talks.
If you are a PhD student or a post-doc, an engineer, or even an intern, we happily invite you to attend. You will most probably gain knowledge, maybe find solutions to unsolved problems, definitely learn more about other research fields, and don't forget that you will communicate with people, earn ECT credits, and more!
Seminars are organized every other Monday at 14:00 and they usually take place at the Euler Violet room of Inria Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée.
See you there!
PhD Seminars VI
PhD Seminars Special Edition – GDPR and research
Speaker Anne Combe – Déléguée à la Protection des Données Title GDPR and research Abstract This talk will address the following questions What is the General Data Protection Regulation? What changes does GDPR bring? What are the obligations of each of us? What is the impact on researchers? Contents:…
PhD Seminars VI
Talk 1 Speaker Gibin Bose (FACTAS) Title A Convex Approach to the Finite Dimensional Matching Problem in Communication Systems Abstract The problem of impedance matching in communication systems is to minimize the power reflection that is to be transmitted, by a generator, to a given load within a frequency band.…
PhD Seminars V
Talk 1 Speaker Ghada Moualla (DIANA) Title Online Robust Placement of Service Chains for Large Data Center Topologies Abstract The trend today is to deploy applications and more generally Service Function Chains (SFCs) in public clouds. However, before being deployed in the cloud, chains were deployed on dedicated infrastructures where software,…