Category: Seminars
PhD Seminar – 04 March 2024
Scientific talk by Jose Daniel Galaz Mora (LEMON team) Coupling methods of phase resolving coastal wave models Abstract: Wave propagation has a central role in beach evolution, sediment transport and the impact that natural and artificial structures have on the environment. Modeling these waves with 3D models gives the most…
PhD Seminar – 19 February 2024
Scientific talk by Nicolas de Almeide Martins (COATI team) Recent Results in Graph Coloring Games Abstract: The graph coloring game was first introduced, in the context of graph theory, by Bodlaender in 1991. In such a game there are two players, Alice and Bob. The players are given a graph…
PhD Seminar – 05 February 2024
Scientific talk by Louis Ohl (MAASAI team) Generalised mutual information (GEMINI) – A constellation of discriminative clustering models Abstract: Clustering is a fundamental learning task which consists in separating data samples into several groups, each called a cluster. The last decade witnessed increasing successes in the field of deep clustering…
PhD Seminar – 04 March 2024

Scientific talk by Jose Daniel Galaz Mora (LEMON team) Coupling methods of phase resolving coastal wave models Abstract: Wave propagation has a central role in beach evolution, sediment transport and the impact that natural and artificial structures have on the environment. Modeling these waves with 3D models gives the most…
PhD Seminar – 19 February 2024
Scientific talk by Nicolas de Almeide Martins (COATI team) Recent Results in Graph Coloring Games Abstract: The graph coloring game was first introduced, in the context of graph theory, by Bodlaender in 1991. In such a game there are two players, Alice and Bob. The players are given a graph…
PhD Seminar – 05 February 2024

Scientific talk by Louis Ohl (MAASAI team) Generalised mutual information (GEMINI) – A constellation of discriminative clustering models Abstract: Clustering is a fundamental learning task which consists in separating data samples into several groups, each called a cluster. The last decade witnessed increasing successes in the field of deep clustering…